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Other Books


Gospel of Matthew.....Chapters and thier topics
1 Generations from Abraham to Jesus, and His birth fortold
2 Jesus is born in Bethlehem and His family settles in Nazareth
3 Jesus baptized by John
4 Jesus is tempted by the Devil, and picks His disciples
5 Jesus preaches to a multitude
6 Jesus' sermon continued
7 Jesus' sermon continued
8 Jesus heals the sick and calms the sea
9 Jesus heals many and forgives sins
10 Jesus instructs his disciples
11 Jesus tells John's disciples He is the Messiah
12 Jesus heals on the Sabbath and angers the Pharisees
13 Parables of the sower and the merchant
14 John the Baptist dies and Jesus feeds five thousand
15 Jesus calls the Pharisees hypocrites
16 Peter declares that Jesus is the Messiah
17 The Transfiguration and the power of Faith
18 Jesus preaches humility and forgiveness
19 New understanding of the Commandments
20 The parable of the vineyard labourers
21 Jesus rides into Jerusalem with a multitude
22 Jesus preaches to the Pharisees and Sadducees
23 The hypocrisy of the scribes and Pharisees
24 The coming of the Son of Man
25 The parables of the ten virgins and the three servants
26 The Last Supper, and Jesus condemned by the High Priest
27 Jesus is crucified and the Pharisees guard His tomb
28 The Resurrection and Jesus meets His disciples